Monday, May 31, 2010

Dum Vivimus, Vivamus

Pike's Peak and Tejon

Il Vicino's

Vectra Bank

The Vectra Bank building, Tejon Street, Colorado Springs, CO.

Peak Theatre 1

A classic movie theater in downtown Colorado Springs, CO. Photographed May 22, 2010.
The Peak is now formally known as the "Kimball's Peak Three Theatre."

The building's marquee has not changed much over the past 35 years. In fact with a simple change of movie title, it would look exactly as it did that wonderful summer afternoon in 1975 when the Peak showed every single movie in the "Planet of the Apes" series back to back !

Peak Theater 2

Tejon Street

Cowboys at the Antlers Hilton

The Antlers Hilton at 4 S. Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO. Photographed May 22, 2010.

First Bank / Holly Sugar Building, Colorado Springs

It may not be the Sears Tower, but this 14-story building at 2 N. Cascade Avenue is THE landmark most often associated with the downtown district of Colorado Springs.

Formerly known as the "Holly Sugar Building," it was renamed the FirstBank building in December 2006.

Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center

Location: 30 W. Dale Street, Colorado Springs, CO.

Colorado Springs Numismatic Museum

Location: 818 N. Cascade Avenue, Colorado Springs, CO.

Right around the corner from the Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center. The funny purple spike statue is one of several scattered about on the lawn -- part of an amazing series called "Spore 2010" by artist Chris Weed, whose work appears at the Fine Art Center as part of the Conflict Resolution show.